Are You Hardwired to Your Cell Phone?

 You Won’t Be at Spa Lux

“Peaceful and relaxing environment. Reminded me of pre-cell phone days! :)” – a 5 star review from a happy customer, Misty J.

Are you hardwired to your cell phone? If someone wants you, do they call your cell and demand your attention? Do you answer texts and emails as soon as they drop into your inbox?

If you said yes, to any of the above…you’re in need of some serious serenity away from the noisemakers of life. Finding a place of solitude and relaxation is vital to staying healthy and stress free. Believe us, you need it!


Stealing away for even just a few moments a day does wonders for your energy levels not to mention your overall sense of peace…plus, let’s be honest…no one has ever died from not answering a business call. That’s why we make Spa Lux a cell phone and pager free zone, so you can take care of yourself and let others come second, just for a few hours.

So here’s the challenge. Pick up your cell phone and turn it off for just one hour. Spend some time on yourself and relax. Remember, it’s not just for yourself you’re doing this…you’re doing something good for your loved ones in the process…  Less stress equals a happier YOU!!